The purpose of this project is to validate and improve the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Model (TBRPM) and as well as other travel demand models and forecasting and analysis tools used by District 7 and the District 7 Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and local agencies. Additionally, BCC provided modeling and other technical assistance for the update and maintenance of the District 7 Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO)s’ Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs) and for conducting corridor studies, subarea studies, and other special transportation analyses for District Seven.
BCC has been assisting District 7 Systems Planning Office and MPOs on travel demand modeling and maintenance (for both four-step model and activity-based model), applications, and tools development and maintenance for both four-step model and activity-based model, travel characteristic survey, and various planning related studies.

BCC has been the prime modeling consultant for the Tampa Bay Regional Transportation Analysis (TBRTA) since 2015. We have provided a set of transportation systems planning data, models and tools, and modeling assistance which met both the regional and local level planning needs in the Tampa Bay area. BCC also used the tools and data to conduct studies that identified transportation needs and opportunities and prepared plans to address those issues at both a regional level and a corridor or subarea level.
Services Provided:
Florida Department of Transportation, District 7
Tampa Bay, Florida