The project limits are within the Broward County Water Control District (BCWCD) No. 2 Canal Basins C-1, C-2 and C-3. The project limits are also within the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Hillsboro Canal Basin. BCC was tasked to work on an existing conditions ICPR V4 model of the BCWCD Canal basins C-1, C-2 and C-3. These basins encompass approximately 9.3 square miles and include three stormwater control structures discharging to the Hillsboro canal. Canal Basin C-1 discharges downstream of the SFWMD G-56 structure, which is on the tidal section of the canal. Canal Basins C-2 and C-3 are located upstream of the SFWMD G-56 structure. The existing conditions ICPR V4 will be used to establish pre-development peak 25-year, 72-hour peak discharge rates to the Hillsboro Canal and peak elevation during the 5-, 10-, 25, 50- and 100-year design storm events.
BCC is designing the stormwater management systems for the C-1 Canal Basin to maintain the existing peak discharge rates to the Hillsboro Canal and maintain peak design storm event stages at or below the existing peak stages. The stormwater management systems will also mitigate any floodplain impacts and maintain the post-development nutrient loading equal to or less than pre-development conditions.
The stormwater management system is comprised of adding and augmenting wet/dry retention/detention stormwater management facilities and floodplain compensation ponds. BCWCD control structure culverts crossing SW 10th Street will be extended by approximately 1,000 linear feet to accommodate the interchange improvements. The new culverts will include double 8-foot diameter spiral ribbed aluminum pipe. The C-1 Canal north of SW 10th Street will be replaced with 1,500 linear feet of dual 8-foot diameter spiral ribbed aluminum pipe, to accommodate the south general-purpose lanes and south-to-west access ramps. BCC will work with FDOT D4 in obtaining a Conceptual Environmental Resources Permit (ERP) from the SFWMD and an Army Corp of Engineers 404 permit.
BCC will also be working with FDOT D4 in preparing the drainage elements of the Design-Build RFP Package. During the bid and award phase of the project, BCC will be reviewing and addressing all drainage related RFIs and ATCs. During the construction phase, BCC will also be addressing all drainage-related shop drawings and RFIs.
BCC is part of the design team that is assisting the Florida Department of Transportation in facilitating a Design-Build project along SW 10th Street between the Sawgrass Expressway and I-95. The project will include a frontage road system for local access and a limited-access managed-lane system that provides a connection between the tolled lanes of the Sawgrass Expressway and the I-95 Managed Lanes.
Services Provided:
Water Resources
Transportation Structures
Utility Engineering
Florida Department of Transportation, District 4
Broward County, Florida
$500 Million (Design-Build-Contract)