The Village is comprised of three (3) man-made (of fill) islands:
- North Bay Island: consists exclusively of single-family homes.
- Harbour Island: consists primarily of multi-family dwellings and is zoned for mid-rise and high-rise buildings.
- Treasure Island: consists of single-family, multi-family, mid-rise and high-rise buildings, institutional uses, and its main commercial hub is Kennedy Causeway (NE 79th Street).
The Village currently has a population of around 9,100 residents and encompasses an area of approximately one (1) square mile (+/- 620 acres). Within the bounds of the Village, upland areas amount to about 0.37 square miles (+/- 238 acres), of which Harbour Island, North Bay Island, and Treasure Island account for nearly 47, 41, and 150 acres, respectively. The Village is vulnerable to rising sea levels, rising groundwater, an increase in rainfall amounts, and threats from stronger hurricanes and storm surges. Furthermore, the Village has aging seawalls, aging stormwater infrastructure, and a limited stormwater capital improvement plan. Currently, the Village regularly experiences sunny-day flooding, standing water after normal rainfall events, and receives heavy storm surge flooding.
The plan will entail obtaining the necessary data; evaluating the existing stormwater system, analyzing future conditions including but not limited to projected sea-level/groundwater rise, storm surge, and increasing precipitation; and assisting the Village in developing policies as well as strategies. The SWMP will also develop a prioritized capital improvement plan (CIP) with projected capital improvement costs to address current and future stormwater infrastructure needs. In addition to developing a comprehensive CIP, the SWMP will provide funding alternatives to the high-priority projects.
The Stormwater Management Plan will assist the Village in:
- Providing a 5-year stormwater Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to implement high-priority stormwater improvement projects in a systematic, objective and cost-effective manner.
- Implementing resilient stormwater management practices to address the projected 2050 sea-level, groundwater and increased rainfall conditions.
- Securing grants for flood protection and water quality improvement projects
- Improving the City’s FEMA Community Rating Score (CRS) that will help reduce resident flood insurance rates.
The Village is a coastal municipality built on fill in Biscayne Bay, located near the northeast end of Miami-Dade County. The Village is surrounded by Biscayne Bay, an Outstanding Florida Water (OFL), and is located within the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve. The Village retained BCC to develop a comprehensive Village-wide SWMP to protect the Village’s infrastructure, defend against decreasing property values, improve the quality of stormwater discharges into the Biscayne Bay, and increase overall community resilience.
Services Provided:
Water Resources
North Bay Village
Miami-Dade County, Florida
$20 Million in Capital Improvement Projects